Assembly Prompt
Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 10:46 am
An assembly interpreter written in assembly.
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Only implied, absolute and immediate addressing modes are supported rn. The address and value numbers are interpreted in hexadecimal. The lda, ldx, ldy, inc*, inx, iny, dec*, dex, dey, sta, stx, sty, stz, clc, sec, cld, sed, adc, sbc, and, ora, eor, jsr, tax, tay, txa, tya, rol*, ror*, asl*, lsr* instructions are implemented
* - only in accumulator addressing mode
You can quit the program by typing Q at the prompt and toggle on or off the register value output by typing M at the prompt.
HOW IT WORKS: if the inputted instruction is single-byte and has implied (or accumulator) addressing mode, it takes cached in zero page A, X, Y and PS registers, executes the instruction and stores potentially changed registers back to zero page. For more than one byte long instructions, it assembles the instruction from the input the user gave, pulls the registers from zero page, jumps to instruction and pushes the registers back to zero page.
This program in GitHub:
Try It Now!
Only implied, absolute and immediate addressing modes are supported rn. The address and value numbers are interpreted in hexadecimal. The lda, ldx, ldy, inc*, inx, iny, dec*, dex, dey, sta, stx, sty, stz, clc, sec, cld, sed, adc, sbc, and, ora, eor, jsr, tax, tay, txa, tya, rol*, ror*, asl*, lsr* instructions are implemented
* - only in accumulator addressing mode
You can quit the program by typing Q at the prompt and toggle on or off the register value output by typing M at the prompt.
HOW IT WORKS: if the inputted instruction is single-byte and has implied (or accumulator) addressing mode, it takes cached in zero page A, X, Y and PS registers, executes the instruction and stores potentially changed registers back to zero page. For more than one byte long instructions, it assembles the instruction from the input the user gave, pulls the registers from zero page, jumps to instruction and pushes the registers back to zero page.
This program in GitHub: