How do one calculate how many scanlines taken to run a routine?
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:11 am
This probably no a hard problem to you......... at all...
I just got very confused...
Say you have a routine that eats 3K5 cycles off CPU at 8Mhz, running NTSC 480i,
Knowing little about the Video generation sequence,
I'd think that one second is one second....
So by 3K5/8M you get the proportion used in that one second....
Multiply with the horizontal freq. of NTSC 525x(30) = 15750, should get
(Yeah.... 29.97ish FPS...)
3K5/8000K x 15750 =~ 7lines......
I also got this formula.
3500 cycles * 3.125 (dots per cpu tick) / 800 (dots per line)
3.125 being 25 / 8 (Vera clock / Cpu clock)
=~ 14lines..........
so............... heh?