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Hello, from Aberdeen, NC

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 10:03 am
by Sarasaworks
My name is Rock, and I am happy to be able to follow such an epic project. I have been seeking a robust way to teach my daughter, Sakura how to write for the 6502 for a while. Hovering over the Apple ][ series and the NES as options for her startingpoint. Spending time in the documentation and playing with the emulator, however, has me convinced the X16 is the way to go. Sakura will definitely enjoy "poking" around! I know I did!

Look forward to more updates!

Re: Hello, from Aberdeen, NC

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:37 pm
by Edmond D
Welcome to the community!

There are lots of tutorial & documentation efforts for the X16. The emulator is a good place to start learning on the system, and playing a game or two once and a while is an added bonus.

If you hit any roadblocks or have questions, please do ask for help. If you or your daughter have feedback on the documentation, I'm sure the authors would love to receive it.