Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:16 am
For the SD card image:
It helps to use the -RTC switch, in the BATCH file when running the emulator for this program !
So you wont have to set the Date & Time !
List your games, and apps..... In the order you want, in the list of your favorites.
No more looking for that program.... no more shuffling through the directories... trying to find that game !
It's so easy now; Just edit and save the list that 'YOU' want to use and play....
It's a straight forward approach to this problem !
When you Add or or Change the order... it's self explanatory !! give it a go!!!! get organized with your programs !
When you Edit it... just type in the name and directory, like the other examples on the list..... too easy !
After you Edit the list... it will return back to the program where you left ~
It will be saved for the next time you use the X16 !!! COOL!
Which is the way, I would want to use it in front of my TV.....
load the slots and "PLAY"
I hope you will find it useful. You can actually "DEMONSTRATE" programs from your list ...
Let me know how you like it !!!
Best Regards
Shaun Christiansen