My first foray into ASM. Advice?
Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 3:40 am
I am new to 8 bit computing (I missed the era by a few years). I studied computer science in college and work as a software engineer, but I feel like my program was really lacking in terms of low level coding/operating system fundamentals/memory management, etc. I found the C16 project because I thought that going back to the 8 bit era that spawned some of the greatest minds in the industry felt like a good way to really shore up my fundamentals.
I use mostly Java and C# for my day job and am familiar with intermediate level C, which until is the lowest I've gone.
As a gamer and hobbyist game dev (unity engine), I really want to reach a point where I can make games and other applications for the C16. I started learning assembly using matt H's videos on youtube. I'm currently on video 2.
I wanted to give myself a little bit of an assignment based on some of the things I learned in his videos. I wrote a small program to copy an array of chars ("hello!!!") from one memory location to another, and then reverse the string.
I think it came out OK. Some of the things that tripped me up where I don't know a lot branching and looping strategies yet, so this solution is very verbose. Also, since I am using zero page pointers for the source and destination addresses, I couldn't figure out how to efficiently utilize the indirect address mode. It only works with the Y register, so that meant I had to constantly juggle around values to and from the other registers to Y.
Overall, if I look at this program, there are some dead giveaways that the person who wrote it comes from a higher level language. I feel like some of the writes to memory that I made could have been things that could have been juggled around in the registers without needing to persist to memory. I noodled on this for hours and couldn't figure out the best way to move forward.
I might actually try and see if I can re-write this to not use pointers and open myself up to indexing with X and Y registers and see how far I get, but honestly I am not sure. Matt's videos are great but I feel like this is going to be trickier to learn than anything I've learned before.
Any advice? Can one of you veterans show me the proper, idiomatic way to do something like this?
I use mostly Java and C# for my day job and am familiar with intermediate level C, which until is the lowest I've gone.
As a gamer and hobbyist game dev (unity engine), I really want to reach a point where I can make games and other applications for the C16. I started learning assembly using matt H's videos on youtube. I'm currently on video 2.
I wanted to give myself a little bit of an assignment based on some of the things I learned in his videos. I wrote a small program to copy an array of chars ("hello!!!") from one memory location to another, and then reverse the string.
Code: Select all
.org $080D
.segment "STARTUP"
.segment "INIT"
.segment "ONCE"
.segment "CODE"
SRC_PTR = $30
DEST_PTR = $32
TEMP1 = $34
TEMP2 = $36
FIRST = $38
LAST = $40
jmp start
.byte $48, $65, $6C, $6C, $6F, $21, $21, $21
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
ldy #0
lda #<source
lda #>source
sta SRC_PTR + 1
lda #<destination
lda #>destination
sta DEST_PTR + 1
lda (SRC_PTR), Y
sta (DEST_PTR), Y
cpy #8
bne loop
jmp do_reverse
rts ;
ldx #0
ldy #7
sty LAST
lda (DEST_PTR), Y
sta TEMP2
lda (DEST_PTR), Y
sta TEMP1
; each value is temporarily stored, now we can switch
lda TEMP2
sta (DEST_PTR), Y
ldy LAST
lda TEMP1
sta (DEST_PTR), Y
;both values have been switched, set up next run
cmp #4
bne reverse_loop
Overall, if I look at this program, there are some dead giveaways that the person who wrote it comes from a higher level language. I feel like some of the writes to memory that I made could have been things that could have been juggled around in the registers without needing to persist to memory. I noodled on this for hours and couldn't figure out the best way to move forward.
I might actually try and see if I can re-write this to not use pointers and open myself up to indexing with X and Y registers and see how far I get, but honestly I am not sure. Matt's videos are great but I feel like this is going to be trickier to learn than anything I've learned before.
Any advice? Can one of you veterans show me the proper, idiomatic way to do something like this?