C64 Line renumber utility?

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C64 Line renumber utility?

Post by EMwhite »

It's quite appropriate that I spend much of my free time messing with 8 bit gear because my memory is failing constantly and limited to 64K.

Can somebody remind me of the options for the Commodore 64, pertaining to a BASIC extension utility to do line renumbering, possibly a search (and or search/replace if such a thing ever existed), and maybe a built in wedge.

I finished (last evening) typing in 700+ lines of BASIC from a program I wrote in 1986 and found several places where I ended up running line numbers into single digits.  Have numerous SYS and even some USR calls, and just plain need help.  Next, I'll try and reverse the 8K of assembly that I wrote, armed only with my documentation and no source, I need to back into what the routine does based on how my BASIC code called it and interpreted the results.

Stretch goal... are there any utilities out there that allow up/down scrolling similar to how a machine language monitor allows you to scroll up/down?  (taller order for interpretive BASIC).

Preferably, looking for something that is either fully relocatable (uses all relative addressing) or is happy to sit in the cartridge memory space.

Really though, renumber is they key thing that I'm after.

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C64 Line renumber utility?

Post by desertfish »

When I had a real C64, I used the Final Cartridge 3 to do all of that in BASIC.  It does the up/down scrolling, has renum, auto, find, and a few other useful commands.

It also provided a lot more useful stuff such as dos commands, turbo loader and a freezer + monitor. 

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C64 Line renumber utility?

Post by mrdoornbos »

13 minutes ago, desertfish said:

When I had a real C64, I used the Final Cartridge 3 to do all of that in BASIC.  It does the up/down scrolling, has renum, auto, find, and a few other useful commands.

It also provided a lot more useful stuff such as dos commands, turbo loader and a freezer + monitor. 

Yeah, the renum in FC3 works pretty well.  Loads fine with EasyFlash or similar too.

It will also do scrolling like you want. (stretch goal ?

I don't use this cartridge much, but it IS a huge toolbox so it's useful here.

Here's the manual for it: https://rr.pokefinder.org/rrwiki/images/7/70/Final_Cartridge_III_english_Manual.pdf


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C64 Line renumber utility?

Post by Ender »

If this is for the X16 emulator you can also just type it into a modern text editor and run the emulator with "-bas FILE.BAS" and it will input the file at bootup.

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C64 Line renumber utility?

Post by EMwhite »

Thanks all.  Do you recall how much it consumed (8K I suppose?).  Not interested in any circle/line draw nonsense : )  Just wary of being able to fit and test/debug my code while that cart is in mem.  I've seen so many ultimate/final/super/dooper etc. will look for that one specifically.

Re: X16, the funny part is that after losing about 2 hrs of typing in VICE when it crashed after an audio issue, I started in with r37 only to become overwhelmed with fear that the SYS calls would send me on a wild goose chase until I reacquainted myself with my own [damn] code.

BBS's aren't in demand in 2021 but for me it's been quite a ride, typing it in.  1st, being impressed with complex string manipulation that I was able to pull off back then, the way that I implemented a data-bus (retaining x # of messages with recoverability in rotating fashion), preserving state information for system and users in case of power-outage and other matters.  Also that I somehow backed into sharing of data between BASIC variables and 6502 code without any way to research.  But then there is the part where I was completely disorganized having only taken Pascal in high school and no advanced dev classes yet, spelled "aloud" versus "allowed" in text, and had so much trivial nonsense in the BBS's menus (thinking it would actually be tolerable or interesting to callers; it wasn't, they just wanted to head to the D>ownloads section since I ran @ 1200 baud and support 'new' Punter).

Will see how far this gets...

But just for fun, here is a remnant; the first two pages of the 7 page doc that I wrote (for some reason).  The user agreement is pretty funny (written when I was 18 yrs old).



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C64 Line renumber utility?

Post by desertfish »

Final cartridge contains 64kb in total I believe. Not too sure. But I don’t think it consumed any ram at all while active due to clever bank switching 

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C64 Line renumber utility?

Post by RobertJG60 »

I always used Metabasic from compute!'s Gazette.

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