Deconstructing 7 Cities of Gold

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Deconstructing 7 Cities of Gold

Post by rje »

If you've ever played 7 Cities of Gold, you remember that the map felt HUGE.  It seemed to take forever, exploring an unknown continent, wondering if your men were going to starve.  Rejoicing when you finally rounded the continental cape and began sailing north up the western coast.

I took a glance at the map today, and it seems that it's not as memory intensive as it looks.  I suspect this map renders each piece of topographic data, except for the rivers.  The continental mass in this example is something on the order of 40 pixels wide, maybe 80 pixels tall, and only four colors.  If that represents a third of the total height (240 pixels?) and maybe it's 100 pixels wide, and each pixel is 2 bits, then that's 240 x 100 x 2 = 48000 bits = 6K for the base map.

(Looking closer, the map is actually more detailed than that, so it's larger than the measly 6K... looks like the Big Map has 1 block averaging out 4x4 actual map pixels, so total map size is 6 x 4 x 4 = 96K.  Which is more like it, since that plus native data would take up most of a diskette.)

It still astounds me.

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Deconstructing 7 Cities of Gold

Post by rje »

So OK the original map is probably around 1024 x 512.  


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Deconstructing 7 Cities of Gold

Post by rje »

I've also got this thing about the original Civilization game... but not the whole game.  It really bogs down once you have to manage a lot of units and cities.

I'm'a gonna merge these two games... add in a dash of Dwarven Fortress... and see what I get.


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Deconstructing 7 Cities of Gold

Post by desertfish »

I don't know this game. Does it have all of the map in memory? Or does it load stuff from the disk during play?

There could be a lot of procedural generation going -- which in theory allows for infinite maps...

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