Hi from Sweden
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:43 pm
Hi all,
I recently stumbled onto this website.
My reason for being here is mostly to track progress, and as a potential buyer when x16 is for sale.
I really like the project, it is almost like looking forward to the next cool computer, but a next cool computer in an alternative past.
I am a developer/techlead myself, doing solutions for b2b.
But as a Hobby I have spend tons of time playing with and programming the C64 and the Amiga, programmed basic, c & assembly 6502/68000. Also other weird and wonderful languages, and a bit of hardware soldering.
No Python though, not really my thing. Right now though I am doing "hobby coding" in Javascript, a X16 sprite exporter to my paint program, and deciding if I will do some c or ASM stuff as well for the X16, or keep to BASIC.
I got here when I was playing around with BASIC a bit. I started at a web page where you can directly type in and run Apple basic, but soon ended up modifying Apple basic to become more like commodore basic. (I was adding things like sprite support and so on to the Basic, and a commodore 64 sprite displaying capability.
Anyway while doing that I happen to stumble on the X16 emulator webpage, which already had all that. So yeah apple basic with c64 sprites is how I got here ?
I really hope the web ide / emulator will continues to be developed, as I like it a lot, almost more then the "real" emulator.
Fantastic project otherwise. keep up the good work! Same for the YouTube channels 8-bit guy, and retro recipes, just a tad to addictive ?
Greetings from Sweden