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New demo uploaded: 64x64 Ship Sprites

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:38 pm
by rje

64x64 Ship Sprites

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This simple demo loads five 64x64 8-bit sprite images into VRAM, each an ancient sailing ship.  Sprite 0 is turned on to point at them; press spacebar to cycle through the images.

Use the cursor keys to move the sprite around the screen.  The spacebar will also stop the movement.


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New demo uploaded: 64x64 Ship Sprites

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:43 pm
by rje

There is one thing that bothered me just a bit about sprites in this demo: selecting the RAM window for the image sort-of requires a VPOKE to *TWO* addresses.  Here's why.

A 256 color 64x64 sprite takes up 2K RAM.  So a list of them starting at $04000 would be at these nice even addresses:





... and so on.

But, the way the sprite window is split between two memory registers, you'd have to VPOKE to two addresses to do this.

So for the demo, I aligned these images on $2000 byte boundaries:






Leaving 2K gaps between each.

It's not a major big deal, but every little odd corner adds up.

New demo uploaded: 64x64 Ship Sprites

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:48 pm
by rje

As for the sprites themselves, I think they look just a little too jaggy.  I have a set of greyscale images that I'll try next.

...yes, greyscale looks a bit better, but perhaps the jaggies are mainly from the "flashier" ships like the Genoese Galley and the Xebec.


Now the greyscale looks like it's constrainable into a 4 bit scheme, which means these sprite images could shrink from 4K down to 2K, which would be nice.



New demo uploaded: 64x64 Ship Sprites

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 3:25 pm
by rje

Updated the demo.

* removed user control; ship wanders aimlessly

* added 7 more ships

* added some mild flocking behavior in the additional ships

New demo uploaded: 64x64 Ship Sprites

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 4:58 pm
by Fenner Machine

On 1/29/2021 at 3:43 PM, rje said:

A 256 color 64x64 sprite takes up 2K RAM.

Is this correct?

A 64x64 sprite at 8 bits per pixel (256 colour) would take 4K RAM?

Or am I missing something?

New demo uploaded: 64x64 Ship Sprites

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:11 pm
by rje

1 hour ago, Fenner Machine said:

Is this correct?

A 64x64 sprite at 8 bits per pixel (256 colour) would take 4K RAM?

Or am I missing something?

You're right.  It's my brain.